Former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi Joins Amazon Board of Directors, Second Woman to Server on Amazon Board

ectors from May 2007 to February 2019.
Indra Nooyi was the director of Schlumberger Limited from April 2015 onwards. She has been appointed to the board of directors list of PepsiCo and later achieved the Presidential and Chief Financial Officers post in 2001, parallel to this she also took up the leadership roles in the corporate strategy and development, finance and strategic planning back in 1994 after joining PepsiCo.
Indra Nooyi, the Indian born women who worked for PepsiCo for nearly 24 years, during her tenure in PepsiCo she acquired big brand companies, made investments in healthy products and backed out from splitting PepsiCo, the food and beverage business.
Indra Nooyi is one of a handful of women of color, who was in the list of leading 500 Fortune Company. Because of Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo was able to acquire the Tropicana in 1998, the orange juice company. She also led for the merging of Quaker Oats which manufacturers Gatorade and Oatmeal. She was effective to focus on the Company’s concentration on healthier products and snacks and also to increase them.
Indra Nooyi is the second women with high profile post to be elected to Amazon board during this month.
Amazon Inc. has eleven members on the board out of which five women members will be serving the board of the company namely, Patricia Stonesifer, Jamie Gorelick, Judith McGrath, Rosalind Brewer, and Indra Nooyi.